Nanny Service

Finding a Nanny Service

Nanny service is something that many upper class and upper middle class families choose as an alternative to child day care services outside of their home.  Although the service is not only available to the wealthy it seems that so far they are among the only people who have taken advantages of the services.  Nanny service employees may live in your home or live outside of your home depending on their situation and your situation.  Unlike au pairs nanny services may staff local domestic child minders or foreign workers. Nannies are usually responsible for child care in the absence of the parents where as au pairs are often all around domestic workers taking care of household chores as well as children.  Generally Nannies are paid in actual money or a mixture of money and  room and board if they are live in care givers.  There are nanny services for every family type and every budget.

When you look at the monthly cost of full time day care services for your family and the cost of a live in or live out nanny service, you are likely to find that the prices are very similar.  This is a little known fact that many middle class working people have either overlooked or not yet realized.  If you have two or more children who need care you can easily be spending a thousand dollars or more on day care services in a facility.  You can often find a live in nanny for a similar price after deducting their room and board for a live in nanny.

Your live in or live out nanny service employee will almost always be female unless you request otherwise (extremely rare to find a male nanny), and will likely be available for additional services while minding your children in your home. In some cases nanny services can include assistance with home work, and any other activities that involve your children such as doctors office visits, parent teacher interviews, children’s sporting events, and some nannies are even taken on vacation with their host families to help care for the children on vacation.  Usually a nanny is treated as if they are a member of the family in front of others as this helps the children develop the level of respect they need in order to listen to and follow instructions from the nanny service.

Nanny Service is something that is affordable for just about any type of family.  In many cases you customize the type of services that your nanny provides to ensure her fees will remain manageable.  You can take part time or full time or live in nanny services.  Whatever you think will best met the needs of your family.  Nanny services can help pair you with a nanny of just about any age from eighteen to a senior citizen.  The nanny services offered across the United States are truly amazingly customizable so you should be able to find the perfect service for yourself and your family

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Home Day Care

Home Day Care Providers

Home day care is one of the most popular options for child care in most cases because it is typically less expensive and often is far more flexible than standard facility child care.  In many large facilities you will find monthly child care costs in the range of 500 dollars or more dollars per month which works out to be more than 100 per week per child.  In home day care centers you can often find rates at less than half of that rate.  There are a number of reasons for the difference in prices but the most notable difference is the fact that there is a reduced overhead cost for home day care centers.  More often than not the parent who is operating a home day care either already owns the home or is already paying mortgage, hydro, etc.  Since these are all expected bills in their lives already they do not need to charge extra to cover these expenses.  In facility child care the owners have a home to pay for and then the overhead charges including building rental, utilities, toys and supplies as well as staff.

Another great point about home day care centers is that the people who work in them are almost always moms or dads themselves.  People who choose to dedicate their lives to working with children in their homes  are usually very passionate about children and caring for them.  In facility child care centers you often find staff members who are just out of college, having taken an early childhood education course but may have no real experience with children of their own.  Although these people are highly educated, they may lack the warmth of a mothers touch when it comes to kissing a boo boo, or providing the right encouragement when a child uses the potty for the very first time.  Home day care centers are more likely to be able to provide you and your child with supervision from a real mother and or father type figure.

Since home day care centers are usually staffed by a dedicated mother instead of three or four college graduates who are trying to start their careers you should find that your child gets a great deal of one on one time with their care giver and the operator of the day care is more apt to give you a full report of your child’s behavior each day.  Home day care providers will usually provide meals for the children in their care so they are better able to tell you how much your child ate and when, as well as if they appear to be out of sorts or not feeling well.

Home day care services are a great way to add a personal touch to your child’s day while you are away at work or school.  You can rest assured that your child is being cared for by a loving mother or father in lieu of you being with them, and they are spending their day in a comfortable home environment rather than a facility.
The power of the supreme court to declare acts write my paper for extra sources me of congress unconstitutional, or judicial review, was another way of limiting popular majorities.

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Day Care Jobs

Careers in Day Care

There are a variety of day care jobs available at anytime ranging from working with the children to managing and facilities maintenance.  In all cases, no matter what day care jobs you are applying for you will be subject to extensive background and criminal record checking.  Since children are both our future, and entirely helpless without the adults that care for them there are extremely stringent regulations regarding the people who are allowed to be around them.  Even a small blip on your criminal record from your teen years can potentially affect your ability to work in a child care facility.  This does not mean only the child care workers either.  If you are applying for day care jobs that are in the kitchen, or maintenance you can still be rejected based on a criminal record.

Day care jobs are some of the most highly regulated jobs in the United States today along with medical professionals, school teachers, and funeral services workers.  To work in any capacity in day care jobs you must have a certain level of training as well as a spotless criminal record.  This gets in the way for a lot of people who want to or have to work in day care facilities.  Most people do not realize that there are other types of day care jobs too.  Who builds, cleans, and maintains the day care center?  Construction workers, electricians, plumbers and other maintenance workers who might need to come in on an ongoing basis for maintenance and even cleaners and interior decorators and delivery men and women.

No matter what kind of day care jobs you are looking for you should carefully consider your criminal record, and your love for children.  If you know that you could not live happily without children in your life perhaps day care jobs are the right move for you; but if you could take them or leave them you should consider a different line of work for sure.

Depending on the position you are looking for there might be some government mandated education you might require to obtain meaningful day care jobs so be sure to do the appropriate research in your state or any state you hope to work in.  The regulations and education requirements can vary from state to state and can change over time so be sure to research this information regularly to ensure your education and qualifications are still relevant.  If you find you do not have all of the qualifications to work in a larger organized day care facility, you might have to take a more junior day care job until you can complete the courses required to get to where you want to be.

Day care jobs are some of the most personally rewarding positions in society.  Day care worker get to go to work every day knowing that they are contributing to the betterment and continuity of our society and of our cultures and beliefs.  What could be better?
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Day Care Education

Education Provided by Day Care Centers

Child care education in the United States has a few different meanings.   The term might refer to the education a day care provider must have in order to operate or work in a day care facility or it might refer to the education a child receives while in the day care.  Day care education is only required by day care operators that meet certain requirements in most States.  Your fifteen year old neighbor will not require special day care education in order to babysit your young son or daughter, but if their mom has a certain number of children in the home at any given time they might be held to government standards and regulations for day care education in order to continue operating their home day care.

Large organized day care centers require that all staff members have a certain level of training.  The lowest level of training one can have in order to work in a day care center in most states is first aid including CPR and defibrillator training, while other workers must have a full associates degree in Child Development.  Organized home day care providers who are large enough to be recognized by the state must have a minimum of Child Development Associate credentials.  If you have less than a specified number of children in your care you are not considered a ‘day care’ center by the state and are therefore not required to have any of these day care education credentials.

Day care education in respect to the education your child will receive in the day care facility of your choice is something you should consider very carefully.  In larger cities you can often find specialized day care centers that offer specific day care education to the children who attend.  There are many Christian day care centers where many of the child care providers are members of specific churches or congregations, if your family is religious this might be a viable option for you, but if your family of a different religious persuasion you might find it a little off putting to have your child learning about a different religion.  In other day care centers your child’s learning focus might be put on academics, or life skills.  Life skills and academics day care education is a popular choice for parents in most cases because as they are working their young, pre-school aged children can be learning important skills like tying their shoes, zipping their zippers, the ABC’s and other integral skills that all young people need to learn.

Since you are paying for day care services either way you should consider whether or not you want more bang for your buck so to speak.  By employing someone with higher levels of day care education you are assuring your child is learning more and by extension you are getting more for your money.  In days where every dollar has to do double duty paying for supreme child day care education is a way to get your child supervised and cared for while they are growing on a personal level.
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Family Day Care

Family Child Care Services

Family Day Care is something that has been around for as long as women have had friends and neighbors to help them with caring for their children.  Women have been trading off child minding services with their friends and family members for more years than we can count.  Family day care is exactly what it sounds like, child care that happens in a family home rather than a large child minding facility.  In many cases family day care is owned and managed by a loving mother or father who also has his or her own children at home or in school as well.  More often than not family day care is a means for a stay-at-home parent to contribute to the family income while still staying home and caring for his or her own children as well.

Although family day care services are operated from a family home most states have strict regulations in place that dictate how many children can be registered in a particular home as well as the training and education required for a family day care provider.  In each state the rules and regulations will vary but there are limits to how many children per adult are allowed as well as requirements for first aid and emergency response training.  Buildings must be equipped with a certain level of safety supplies as well.  As for safety supplies in most cases you must have fire extinguishers, first aid kits, working telephones, availability of heating, as well as hydro among other things.

When investigating a family day care you should follow all of the same steps as any other day care you would be looking into.  You should visit the home twice at least, once by yourself and once with your child.  If the child care provider is even a little bit uncomfortable with you visiting that should send your red flags up.  Be sure to visit at a time when the family day care should be full of children.  This will allow you to see how the provider works under pressure as well as how many children and employees are typically in the building at one time.  Be sure to ask about all of the important facts such as late fees for in case you are late picking up your child one day, and meal costs and availability.  Some day cares will insist that you pack a meal for your child while other family day cares will provide a noon meal or evening meal depending on your schedule.

One option that you might have with a family day care that you might not have with a large facility is the fact that from time to time you might be able to get overnight or evening service from a family day care in addition to your week days schedule.

Family day care is typically less expensive than large facility day care centers however you usually have a little less recourse or control over what is going on at the day care.  Things can change in your schedule on a dime, so you can understand how that might also happen for the operator of a family day care.
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Newborn Day Care

Day Care for Newborns

Finding adequate newborn day care is something that every working parent will face at one point or another.  Although we all would love to be in a position where we can stay home and raise our children ourselves until they are capable of doing things for themselves that simply is not an option for most families.  As single parent households increase so does the need for newborn day care services.  If you are looking for newborn day care service for your new baby or for a baby you are having shortly you will definitely want to visit each child care center personally to observe not only the behavior of the workers but also make note of how many care providers are on staff and how many newborns and infants they have in their care.

In most states there are regulations that limit the number of infants and newborns in any child care facility.  These regulations make it both more difficult to find newborn daycare but also make new born day care facilities more safe for the children they are caring for.  Newborn day care requires a significant amount of time and energy and one on one attention for each child in the facility.  These extra needs mean that more staff members are required as well as specialized equipment including baby swings, specialized feeding equipment, and one on one time during feeding, burping, changing and bathing.  It is because of these extra needs  that newborn day care costs are in some cases more than double those of school age and even preschool aged children.

When choosing a newborn day care you will want to be sure to check all of the available credentials of the staff on hand.  Are they parents themselves?  Grandparents maybe?  Do they have any professional child care or medical training?  These are all important things to have in a day care facility whether it is newborn day care or day care for older children.  The more experience and the better the credentials of the staff in the facility the more likely you are to be satisfied with their ability to supervise and care for your newborn.

If staying home with your newborn is not an option there are a variety of newborn day care options available in your state to help you out.  It will be on you however to choose the best newborn day car to meet the needs of your family.  Perhaps a day care center that will be able to care for not only your newborn but also your older children?  Most parents do not like splitting their children among different day care centers so looking for a versatile newborn day care so they can put all of their children into the same facility.  A mix of skills and abilities in a day care provider is important for most families to ensure their family can grow within the facility and get comfortable with the care providers until they no longer need the service.
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Day Care Prices

Day Care Center Rates

Day care prices will vary from state to state and city to city, but even within the same city you might find several different day care prices from different providers.  Although there is no set or regulated price for day care services in the United States you will likely find that the average day care prices in the US are 670-770 per month for children who are considered toddlers or babies and about 150 dollars less per month for older children who are of preschool age; these are per child average rates.  The prices could be different in your area as it seems the highest day care prices in the US can be found in Massachusetts, Washington, D.C., Minnesota, and New York; while the lowest day care prices can be found in Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nebraska, and Texas.

The difference in prices for different ages of children is based on the fact that younger children require a considerable amount of one on one attention so day care centers are required to staff more care providers which increases their costs.  School age children are more likely to need less one on one attention so they can increase the child to care worker ratio making their fees less expensive.  This is a concern for some parents however, so it is important that you talk to the day care provider and ask them about how they calculate their prices.  Knowing how they calculate it will make you more comfortable with paying their fees.  Perhaps you are more comfortable paying a higher rate knowing that there is one care provider per every 2 children regardless of age?

Often times you can find day care providers that specialize in certain areas.  You might be looking for day care prices, but it would not hurt to ask the provider if they are a specialized day care center.  Some centers offer religious education, or at least will pray with and for the children, others might be heavily geared toward sports and physical fitness for children, some are dedicated to academic growth.  In any event you will want to be aware of any extracurricular activities they might have your children taking part in.  When your day care center has a specialty of any kind you can usually expect higher day care prices.

The quality of the supervision will also affect the day care prices that you will find as well.  If you are putting your child into a day care center that staffs only community college educated child educators you can expect higher day care prices.  If you are getting your child care from the high school girl down the street who is saving money for new shoes for prom, you can expect to pay significantly less, but your child will learn less and will likely not be socialized with other children.

When it comes to day care prices and day care quality it really is true that you get what you pay for.  If the price seems too low you might want to look further into what they are truly offering you and your child.
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Day Care Reviews

Finding Day Care Center Reviews:

Day care reviews can be found online as well as in print and in many local parenting periodicals.  When you are choosing a day care facility or a home day care for your family it is wise to use every available resource to ensure you are making an educated decision that will meet the needs of both your family and your budget.    When using online day care reviews you need to use your own good judgment while taking some reviews with a grain of salt.  In some cases you might find twenty great shining reviews and one review that is deplorable.  In this case you should talk to the operator about their side of the bad day care review that you might have found.  In some cases you might find that one bad review in a sea of great reviews was posted by a person who was asking for a service that was simply not offered, or that they had done something to instigate the problem.  When posting day care reviews online people can sometimes be a little bit ruthless and aggressive.  With that in mind if the there are several bad day care reviews and only a few good ones it is likely that there is a problem with the day care center itself.  You should use  the day care reviews to create your list of possible day care centers and then take that list and visit each day care in person.

After you have visited each day care center that you listed from the day care reviews you should also try contacting each one by phone.  The purpose of contacting each one by phone is to check to see how well they communicate.  If they answer the phone you are calling to talk to them there is a good chance that they will answer the phone if you had an emergency and had to communicate with them during the day.

Day care reviews are a great starting point in your investigation and search for the perfect facility for your family but they cannot be considered a one stop shop.  You will still need to do your due diligence to ensure your children are getting the best possible care for the best possible price.

Don’t stop at looking online though, you can get fantastic relevant reviews from your friends and neighbors too.  The best reviews are the ones we get from our peers, they have real experience and can recommend a day care center that they know and trust.  This way your children can often end up in a day care center with children they are already familiar with which helps them to easily adapt to the change in environment.

There are thousands of reviews for every day care center but nothing can replace your due diligence.  Talk to friends and neighbors, look online, but visit the day care center and do your own investigation to ensure it is the right choice for your family.
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Day Care Center Licensing

The Importance of Day Care Center Licensing

Day care licensing is a very important aspect in controlling the quality of day care services. It is through the day care licensing that day care centers are controlled, regulated, accredited and checked. Day care center licensing therefore makes it possible for children to enjoy better day care services and environments.

It is a general rule and requirement that a day care center that caters for more than 12 children has to be licensed. This is the case in all the states. Day care licensing in all these states makes sure that day care centers conform to minimum standards of health considerations, safety considerations as well as minimum teacher training levels. However, these minimum requirements are not at the same levels in all states. Some states require more than just the minimum and basic requirements and therefore make it a little taxing for the day care centers to get these operating licenses.

Day care center licensing has therefore controlled the number of day care centers in the country to just over 95,000 centers nationwide.  However, the process of accreditation is a little more stringent and time-consuming. In addition to day care licensing, day care accreditation is also important. It is through day care accreditation that a parent is confident enough that the center has passed all the necessary requirements and therefore can comfortably leave the child in complete care of the center. However, due to these stringent measures, there are just over 6,000 accredited day care centers in the US today. In this way therefore, finding an accredited day care center is such a rare opportunity.

The National Association for the Education of Young Children is the body that is concerned with the accreditation of day care centers in the US. In this way therefore, a parent can go online and search the NAEYC website for the list of the accredited day care centers. These accredited centers have also undergone proper day care center licensing and therefore when you have located one near you then, this is a very rare and nice opportunity.

Once you have located a suitable day care center at a location that is convenient with you, you can also check online to determine day care licensing of the center that you have located. This can be done by searching the database of the day care centers that have undergone proper day care center licensing by the right state authorities. However, day care center licensing is not enough to warrant the choice for the day care center. You should make sure that the center has all the necessary attributes that you consider fit for your child as a parent.

The importance of day care licensing cannot be under-estimated. It is the measure of the quality of the day care center services in the country. The child population cannot be left without being monitored. The knowledge imparted to children at this age must be of high quality and therefore the teachers and the care givers must subscribe to a set standard. This will ensure that the teachers, and therefore the day care centers have provided high quality services for the betterment of the children and the society at large.
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Day Care Costs

When you are putting your kid in a day care to be taken care of, it is really only natural to be concerned about the day care costs that are going to be associated with doing this. All day cares are not the same, and you will see the prices of them reflect this. Some day cares can be incredibly expensive and have lots of features inside to keep your kid entertained (and maybe even learn a thing or two), and then on the opposite side of the spectrum you have your extremely basic day cares that provide essentially nothing more than a place to keep your kid while you are at work or something else similar to that. Everybody wants to give their kid the very best (this is only natural to feel this way), and if this describes you, then you should probably want to stay away from the basic day care centers and give them a nice one they will enjoy going to, and the one they deserve!

But with this there is certainly going to be an associated cost with sending your kid to a nicer day care. Think for a minute that you run a day care clinic, and it will become abundantly clear that it is very difficult to run an effective, but cheap day care without adding up all of the day care costs. Think about all of the employees that are on your pay role, think about the utilities to run the building (water, gas, electricity etc.), this is just a scratch on the surface on the things that are why day care costs can really add up. So just keep these little things in the back of your head, and when you are looking around the day care center, and the price that is quoted doesn’t seem to match what your child will be getting when he or she is staying there, that means that you should probably look elsewhere for a day care center to keep your child while you are away.

So with the stuff that indicates a day care you shouldn’t be doing business with, what makes a particularly good day care that you know you will feel safe sending your kid to. This is a little more difficult, as a good day care can sometimes be difficult to spot, so you want to know where these day care costs are going. If you are going to be spending a decent amount of money on a day care, you are going to want to make sure they have a great staff that is excellent with kids (this should be a no-brainer though). A clean facility that is always nice and tidy is also a must have when it comes to taking your kid to a day care, nobody want to pay day care costs just to send their kids away to a filthy place that isn’t well maintained. This also reflects poorly on the business in general; if they can’t keep up with the cleaning in the day care center, then what else are they neglecting in their business?

So in conclusion, there are a lot of things to consider when you are looking at the day care costs. Especially if you have never run a small business before, it is easy to underestimate all of the expenses that are associated with starting and maintaining a local day care center for kids. With enough research and reading, you are sure to find a day care center that doesn’t cost too much money, and will please you and your child.

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