Discipline at Day Care

Discussing Rules and Discipline with your Child Care Provider

In today’s modern world many families are comprised of two working parents or a single parent. Even if there is a stay at home parent, there are often times when parents need child care, even if it is on a part-time basis. When such needs arise it is important to understand the best way to discuss rules and discipline with your chosen child care provider. While it would be hoped that the course will always be smooth and your child will not experience any disciplinary needs, it is always best to be prepared in advance. Parents should never make assumptions regarding discipline and realize that child care providers and even other family members may have different disciplinary styles. Discussing the subject early on will help parents to arrive at a child care decision that is right for their family and avoid any misunderstandings in the future.

One of the first questions you should ask when choosing a new child care facility is in regards to their discipline policy. If your child is in day care full-time, it should be recognized that your child will spend a significant amount of time responding to the standards of the child care provider. Many parents often find it a challenge to express their views regarding the management of typical disciplinary issues. Parents that communicate in a judgmental or abrupt manner may cause the provider to feel as though they are not trusted. This can certainly affect any future interactions. Yet, at the same time, it is a topic that must be discussed. The best way to do so is in an honest and caring manner. This will help to set the stage and ensure future interactions are positive as well.

Setting aside some time to talk to your child care provider in advance is a great strategy for working together to arrive at a discipline plan that is suitable for your child. If your child has any particular temperament issues, make it a point to speak to the child care provider about those special needs in advance. Discuss successful strategies you use at home to help with your child’s behavior.

If your child is attending a licensed day care center you will likely find the center already has a discipline policy in place and will be happy to share that with you upon your initial visit. Take the time to carefully read through this policy and ask questions about any areas that are not clear. Each state has its own particular guidelines regarding what is allowed and what is not allowed when disciplining a child. Parents may find it helpful to contact their local child care licensing authority to find out specific rules that apply to their local area.

A quality day care facility should consider three factors in assisting children to behave. First, rules should be reasonable and clearly understood. Second, when rules are broken they should be reasonably dealt with. Third, it is important for all staff to act as good role models.

Due to the fact that children in day care are typically quite young, many centers use three very easy rules to help children understand what is expected of them. First, children are not allowed to hurt themselves. Second, they are not allowed to physically or emotionally hurt others. Third, children are not allowed to hurt things such as furniture, toys, etc.

Although the rules and regulations regarding discipline can vary from one area to another, there are some basic rules regarding discipline that are widely accepted for child care centers. Providers are not allowed to use harsh, cruel or unusual punishment. Discipline should not include any negative remarks, profanity or verbal abuse. Under no circumstances should discipline humiliate, frighten or shame a child. Discipline should not involve any form of striking, hitting, spanking, pinching or biting. Children should never be confined in any type of enclosed area. Nor should discipline prevent a child from using the toilet, sleeping or eating. Finally, children should not be allowed to discipline any other children.

Talking regularly with your child about their care can help to quickly uncover potential problems. If you have a concern about the discipline that is being utilized, do not hesitate to speak to your child care provider. If the response you receive is not satisfactory, make it a point to closely monitor the situation. Speak to other parents. Ultimately, it is up to you as your child’s parent to make certain they are safe.


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Special Needs Day Care

Day Care for Special Needs Children

Locating the right child care is always an emotional process for any parent, but for parents of special needs children, it can be even more complex. Deciding upon the right day care for children with special needs requires additional research, parental involvement, and attention. It is important to keep in mind that not all day care centers are capable of providing the level of care and service your child may need.

Many of the factors to consider when searching for a day care for special needs children are the same factors you need to look for when searching for any day care center. For instance, when looking for a day care center, always carefully consider qualifications. Find out whether the center is fully licensed, and ask to see the center’s certificate of licensure. You can also typically obtain information about the center by checking with your state’s daycare licensing board. How long has the facility been in business? What is the size of their staff? Do they have an adequate staff to child ratio? What type of training does the staff have? Are they fully trained in CPR and first-aid? Do they have education and training in early childhood development? Does the staff have experience in working with special needs children?

When searching for a day care center for your special needs child it is also important to make certain you are fully cognizant of your rights. Under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, day care providers are not allowed to exclude children because of disability. Furthermore, they are required to make reasonable changes to practices, policies and physically accessibility to ensure individuals with special needs can be integrated into the center. Keep in mind; however, that day care centers which are operated by religious entities, such as synagogues, mosques, and churches are not required to adhere to Title III.

Always make a point of meeting with the center operator first. Most day care centers today will provide parents with an information packet upon their initial visit. Ask to meet with the manager or director of the center and be prepared to ask questions. For instance, find out whether the center is equipped to handle your child’s particular special needs. At the current time, how many children attend the center? Are the children in the center supervised at all times? What types of foods does the center serve for meals and snacks? If your child has allergies, will the center be able to accommodate them?

Find out whether the center will be able and willing to integrate any applicable external services such as a physical therapist or speech pathologist, if they do not already have those services in place. What is the center’s policy regarding the administration of medication? Do they require a note from the physician? Where are medications stored in the center? You also need to find out as much information as possible about the center’s protocol for handling any emergency situation that may arise with a special needs child.

Health and safety are of vital importance for all children, but particularly so for special needs children. Carefully observe the center to note whether it seems clean and sanitary. Find out whether diaper changing stations are disinfected following each use. If your child needs assistance with toilet training, does the center assist with that?

Play time is obviously important for children of all ages and development ranges. What type of equipment does the center offer? Are the children allowed playtime outside? Will any existing equipment be accessible to your child?

Also, find out how the center handles discipline for children in their care? Is good behavior rewarded? How does the center communicate with parents regarding their child’s progress? Does the center have any type of system in place that allows for feedback from parents regarding the center’s program or curriculum?

You also need to make a point of finding out about the cost of the facility. The price of any day care center can vary, often based upon your geographic location. You should be aware that the cost of child care for special needs children may be reimbursed by some states. Reimbursement and coverage often varies widely from state to state. This is particularly true in terms of Medicaid.

Finding the right day care for your special needs child may seem like a daunting challenge, but by conducting research and asking the right questions, you can find a facility where your child will feel welcome and their unique needs and abilities will be met.

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Comparing Different Child Care Options

Parents today have a wealth of child care options available to them. While there are certainly advantages to numbers in options, this can also present quite a quandary when it comes to choosing the day care option that is right for you and your child. Comparing the various child care options available can help you to narrow down the choices and arrive at a suitable decision.

There are numerous factors that must be considered when choosing among the different child care options. These factors include lifestyle, the needs of your family, budget, and geographic area. To assist in making a decision, first consider the following needs prior to comparing the various options. Do you need part-time or full-time child care? Will you need childcare early in the mornings, late in the evenings or on the weekends? If you need part-time child care, will the days on which you need care remain the same or will you need flexible child care?

Also, consider your budget for child care. This is a practical step that may help greatly in comparing the various options. For instance, a nanny or au pair is certainly going to be more expensive than a local day care center. Some types of day care centers, such as a Montessori school also charge more per week.

Consider the age of your child as well and your own comfort level in placing him or her in a specific type of child care setting at their current age. You should also consider the fact that day care centers typically will not accept any children under the age of six weeks, and some centers will only take children at least eight weeks of age. In addition, some parents find they simply prefer a different care setting for their infant than they do for an older child.

You should also take any special needs your child may have into consideration. Will they be more suited in a child care setting that is smaller and more intimate such as an in-home care situation or will they thrive better in a classroom setting whether there is more interaction and more activities? As a parent, you know your child’s needs and personality best and are in the best place to determine the setting in which they can grow and thrive.

Given the factors listed above, there are several options available for day care. One is an in-home provider. This is typically in the home of the provider, but may also take place in the parents’ home as well. The level of experience and care you can expect can vary greatly. You should bear in mind that an in-home provider may or may not be accredited or licensed. While this option can offer a family-style setting and be less expensive than other options, it is important to check experience.

Some families opt to hire a caregiver to care for their child in their home. This is typically the most expensive option. Variations of this child care arrangement include nannies and au pairs. A daytime sitter who is only present during the day while parents are working can be an appealing and more affordable option, but it is best to keep in mind that the caregiver may not have the experience and training one would expected for a licensed care center.

In some situations, families may opt to have a family member care for their child. This can be particularly appropriate when the child has a close bond to that family member, such as a grandparent. This option does offer cost savings in most cases, as well as convenience, but there are drawbacks. For instance, if the family member becomes ill or has an emergency, you may find yourself in need of backup child care at the last minute. You should also consider the fact that the relative may not be certified in CPR and first-aid the same way that a professional child care provider will be.

Another option that many parents choose is a day care center. The primary reasons most parents ultimately opt for a day care center is that it offers reliability, affordability and convenience. One of the great advantages of this option is that children are allowed the opportunity to socialize with peers, which can be an important part of child development. In addition, parents do not have to be worried about back-up care in the event their child care provider is not available. Many day care centers today even offer educational programs and curriculum.

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Potential Day Care Dangers

The best thing to avoid a child becoming hurt in a day center environment is careful planning. There are so many things that seem commonplace in the home and are not posing such a risk because of the adult to child ratio, but even within any child care environment where there are many children to be looked after provisions can be put into place to avoid any potential day care dangers.

One dangerous hazard that has been pointed out more in the past few years since accidental deaths have occurred are those surrounding the use of blinds. The cords on them can easily become wrapped around the throat area causing strangulation which is one reason for any furniture; including cots should be placed in a space where nothing surrounding that is dangerous can be touched.

Lighter furniture may seem a great option as it can be moved around easily and to be stored when not in use. The problem can be that little ones are not as stable on their feet as an older child or adult. This could mean that they try to break their fall by grabbing a nearby light chair or similar item and not only hurt themselves but other children playing nearby.

It is surprising how many toys; even those that say they are safe for use from a young age could still pose a high risk.  Buttons used to make eyes on homemade teddies or even on a doll that is used to aid children in practicing to fasten buttons and do up zips could cause choking should a button become loose or trapped skin in the zip part.  Such toys should only be used under adult supervision where there can be an adult present for each child while the toy is being played with. It should be checked for any damage and signs of wear and tear and disposed of at the first sight.

Heavier toys such as wooden building blocks or trains are sturdy but this also means they can be used to hit other children with. While they are so young children will tend to become territorial over certain items and go through the ‘mine’ stage.  Even accidentally the grip will not be as strong as adults so items may not be as secure as they may first seem.

Check also openings on doll houses, cars and similar toys, especially those that can be slammed shut with force to avoid pinching of skin or breaks to small fingers. Remember that they are exploring a new world and everything to them is to be played with as they learn.

To avoid germs and for health and safety reasons cleanliness is important, however not keeping anything that is used for medicinal or cleaning purpose locked away safely can and has led to irreversible damage to health and even death. Something as simple as the soap used in the toilet room needs to be monitored by a member of staff when in use and put away when it is not.

Spillages will occur no matter how careful you are, but the main thing is to get them cleared up quickly and if necessary make sure another room is readily available while the main one is drying off. The sense of danger in youngsters is not there, it is something they learn over time.

Look at the furniture around the building and make sure all tables and chairs supplied have legs at every corner. This gives them stability just in case a child decides to climb up onto them. If possible avoid having corners at all or go for less pointy ones, something that is lower than the average adults knee could be the height of a child’s eye, mouth nose or even tummy.

Medical centers are a great source of information, most will be more than happy to oblige if you ask for details of injuries in children of certain ages and how they were caused. It is never a happy time when a child comes to harm but from one experience, if further injuries of the same nature are avoided then all has not been in vain. They cannot provide you with personal details but the information alone of recent accidents can show a toy or piece of equipment that seemed like a good idea at the time, to be one that is best avoided.  Remember that any outdoor equipment should also be included when taking safety into account and that everything out and indoors is age appropriate for the children who will be using it.

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Finding a Safe Day Care Center

Do you know what to look for to find a safe day care center for your child? This is one of the most frequent concerns for parents looking for a new day care center. How do you know your child will be safe? Parents may often assume that simply because a day care center is licensed by the state it is a safe facility, but this is not always the case. Requirements for day care centers can vary from one state to another. In some states, the codes are much stricter than in other states. In addition, there may be safety measures which may or may not be addressed at all. For instance, while carbon monoxide detectors are recommend for use in all residential areas, not all day care facilities have them, nor are they even required to have them in many states. It should also be kept in mind that enforcement of safety regulations can vary among the states, so it is crucial that parents perform due diligence to make certain they choose a facility where they can be assured their child will be safe.

It does take time to complete a comprehensive evaluation of a day care center, but it is certainly worth the time investment. First, plan to make an initial visit to the facility and speak to the director or manager. It is also a good idea to plan a second visit on a different day and at a different time. This will allow you to see precisely how well children in the facility are supervised during various times, such as outdoor play, mealtime, and class time.

One of the most important factors to use in determining whether a day care is safe is the staff to child ratio. The simple fact is that when a caregiver must look after too many children, injury risks are naturally increased. You also need to consider group size in each room. When there are too many children in one space, the result is increased chaos and noise, which make proper supervision more difficult.

The number of caregivers the facility has will vary based upon age and group size. According to the American Public Health Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, infants up to age twelve months should have a child to staff ratio of three to one. That same child to staff ratio should be maintained for ages 13 months up through 24 months. The ratio increased to four to one for children ages 25-30 months, and goes up to five to one for ages 2 to 35 months. Increased ratios are considered allowable for older children.

While child to staff ratio is important, you also need to consider the qualifications and experience of the staff. These two elements can directly affect the safety of children in the day care center. What type of training does the staff have? Have they been trained in proper CPR and first-aid techniques? Have they received training in early childhood development? Do they know what to do in the event of an emergency? Does the center have protocols in place to handle emergencies?

It is also important to ask if you can take a tour of the facility. This can be a prime opportunity to observe on your own whether the day care center appears clean and safe. Observe the furnishing and equipment. Is it up to date? Do the furnishings have rounded corners? Does the play equipment appear to be safe? Are non-toxic play materials offered to the children? Is there a fenced play area available outside for the children?
When possible try to schedule a visit during a meal or snack time. Observe the quality of the food offered? Is it healthy? Is the center able to accommodate special diets and/or allergies? This can be extremely important if your child has a serious allergy, such as a peanut allergy. Are children well-supervised during meal time?

Finally, make it a point to find out about the center’s discipline policy. What type of discipline is used in the center? How does the center communicate with parents if there is a problem? Are parents provided with weekly update and progress reports?

While it might seem challenging to locate a  safe day care center where you can entrust your child will be well-cared for, due diligence can help you in weeding out questionable day care centers and focus on finding a center that is committed to your child’s safety and well-being.

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Screening a Child Care Provider

How to Screen a Day Care or Child Care Provider

You are getting ready to head back to work after your maternity leave is over, but now you must make a decision on what kind of day care or child care provider to hire to take care of your new baby. Parents these days want to make sure the person or place they hire to take care of their precious children is safe and secure, and who can blame them?

Here are some things you should do when screening a day care center or a child care provider for your children:

Find out if the person or facility is certified and/or accredited—this is vital if you want your child to be safe. Anyone who provides care for children should have certification in First Aid, as well as in CPR in case of any emergency. It is also a good idea if they are certified in Early Childhood Development. Plus, you want them to have all of the required licenses for your state. If any of this is missing, then pass on that person and go on to the next day care center on your list.

Ask if background checks are conducted on everyone at the facility – Parents can’t be too sure these days who is working with or around their kids. That’s why you should insist that background checks are done on everyone, whether it is the janitor or the person who actually takes care of your baby. After all, these people are unknown to you and you want the safest and secure environment for your baby as possible.

There is no such thing as being too careful when screening a potential child care provider. After all, this is a stranger with whom you’re entrusting your children. It’s a scary thought in some ways, but when the relationship works, it provides for a safe and nurturing environment for kids and more flexibility for parents. In the end, it’s often your instinct (gut feeling) that will guide you to a provider who is not only qualified, but is the right fit with your family.

Be cautious if you are considering using a babysitter co-op

It’s nice to save money, but if you are considering using a service that shares babysitting or daycare duties amongst a group of neighbors, be very cautious! They may not all have proper First Aid training or they may not have very much experience and you also can’t control who goes into the home and who your child might be exposed to! This sort of care might be better for older children who are capable of letting you know what goes on every day, but not for infants.

Ask about staff to child ratios of care and other important factors

It is also recommended that parents always ask about how the day care runs and be careful with things like the ratio of providers to the amount of kids, because you want personalized care for your child. You don’t want him or her lying all day in a wet or dirty diaper!

Also, be sure to ask about the reputation of the center and how they handle emergencies such as sick kids or other issues. Plus, if your child is older, ask about things like daily activities and if they provide any sort of early learning program for toddlers, etc.

Be sure to visit the center and stay to see how it is run

When trying to decide if you want to place your child into a specific day care center, be sure to spend a day or at least a few hours at the center and watch it in action. This will give you a better idea as to whether it is the type of environment you want your child to spend 8-10 hours a day!

Talk to other parents who are there dropping off or picking up their kids and get their feelings and opinions on the place. If other parents are giving it glowing reviews, then it may be a good place, but if they seem hesitant, then it’s probably not somewhere you want your child to be.

Don’t use the first place you find

You need to not be in a rush to choose the very first day care or babysitter on your list just because you need to get back to work. You should even start looking while you are still pregnant, as this will make your search calmer and not so desperate. If you are in the frame of mind that you must find a day care option, then you may not be as diligent in choosing one.

Make a list of all the available options and be sure to put down the pros and cons of each one. Then, you can interview people at each of them, as well as interview parents that go there, and once you have done all this background work, you will be in a better situation for choosing a safe and secure place for your child to spend his or her day.

Children are very precious and they should be kept safe and protected. You want their time at a day care center or with a baby sitter to be as rewarding and safe as possible. If you must work every day and leave your child at one of these places, be sure to screen them carefully and choose the one that is best for your precious baby.

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Benefits of Day Care

Day care centers and the day care service itself came into existence to address the need of parents for someone who would take good care of their children while they are on a trip, at work, or when preoccupied by essential activities or tasks. As everyone knows, there are different types of day care services that can be opted. There are day care centers established by local communities or run by private companies, there are day care facilities near or inside workplaces, individuals who independently offer child care and sitting services, and some neighbors are also providing the service for profit.

The following are the benefits or advantages of availing the services of a day care center or provider. And as can be observed, they are not only intended for the good of the parents but for the child as well.

-          Parents can work with fewer worries about their child. Day care service providers act as the temporary parents of a baby or a child while parents are away or at work during the day. The center or facility on the other hand serves as the child’s temporary home. The need to entrust a child to a day care center is prevalent especially if both the parents have work during the day. Moms in particular will no longer have to feel the need to sacrifice earning or their careers to take care of the baby during the day.

-          Day cares provide early childhood education. From the moment a child is born, the learning and development process never ceases. But when parents fail to provide the needed attention and assistance in constantly educating a child, the learning process becomes slower. Day care centers fill in the gap or suffice this need. These child care centers become the first schools or centers of education for a child. Aside from playing and child or babysitting, most day care centers have incorporated learning activities and lessons for most kids.

-          Day care prepares a child to kindergarten or formal education. Related to the benefit of providing early childhood education, the day care setting is also a good training and exposure for a child before he or she eventually enters kindergarten and elementary education. Children can learn the values of education, how to properly behave during learning or teaching sessions, etc.

-          Day care centers help develop the social and cognitive skills of a child. Another developmental benefit of day care for a child is the ability to enhance or develop the child’s social and cognitive skills. In a normal day care setting, it’s usually a group of toddlers or children. Hence, this is one of the best times for a child to meet, mingle, play, and be friends with other kids and to get familiarize or recognize a social environment. These early childhood skills will be the foundations of behavior and social intelligence of a child in the future.

-          Ensuring safety of children while parents are away. After ensuring that you have entrusted your child to a licensed and reputable day care center or service provider, you have at least removed the agony or worries on the several risks and dangers that may be inflicted unto your child. This is certainly true for companies which feature a separate child care area for their employees.

-          Day care can help improve parenting skills. Before day care teachers and other personnel are licensed or accredited to provide day care services, they are trained to become role models and ideal parents. They are familiar with every child’s needs, controlling emotions or behavior, child nutrition, and proper child care in general. New parents can certainly learn from day care center teachers or child care providers.

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Reading to Your Baby

Reading to Your Infant Teaches Communication, Language

You may think that a tiny baby is too young for you to read a book to, but there are actually some very good benefits that can come from you doing exactly that! Reading promotes everything from bonding with the child’s parents to helping baby to learn how to talk, listen and more.

Reading promotes everything from bonding with the child’s parents to helping babies to learn how to talk, lulling them to sleep, and much more. These days, experts recommend beginning to read to your child from the first day you bring him home, and some even think it is a good idea to read to the baby while you are still pregnant.

Benefits of Reading to Babies

Reading to newborns helps to promote the bonding process between a child and his parents. You should pick a time to do it every day, such as at bedtime and start a ritual your child will grow to expect and enjoy. Even a tiny baby can notice things like the different inflections in your voice, and will enjoy hearing mom or dad softly read a bedtime story.

The more you read to your baby, the more words and phrases they will start to understand. Studies have shown that babies whose parents read to them from the start are able to talk better and know more words by the time they are two years old, as well as they learn how to read much earlier than their peers.

They learn how to recognize different emotions, as well as can learn things like colors, letters and be able to recognize the items they start seeing in the books as they get a little older. It is good to get books that invite participation like the ones that have sections for the baby to touch, see things pop up, etc.

They also learn more about how to communicate, how to understand other people’s feelings, and it enriches their capacity to remember things and know what items are before they even see them in person.

Reading to Baby Teaches Baby to Experience Different Things

Young babies don’t exactly know what the book or the pictures in it are, but they do notice things like faces, patterns, and changes in the bright colors that are in the books.

As the baby gets old enough to start really paying attention, you can use the hard board style of baby books that he can touch, mouth, pat and look at while mom or dad reads them and points to the things in the story.

Reading to your baby also teaches them that reading itself is enjoyable, and this will reap benefits for your child when they start in school. They will be more prepared for school, and they will learn to love books, and are less likely to think they are boring or worthless.

How to Read to a Newborn Baby

So, you understand why reading to a baby is vital, but how do you go about doing it? What is the best way to start off reading to a newborn?

First, since little babies don’t have much of an attention span, you should start by reading for about 10 or 15 minutes once a day. Then, as the baby is able to see better at about five or six months old, you can start to read longer and get him or her more involved by showing them the book and letting them touch it, etc.

You can also bring along baby’ favorite books and read them at the store while you are in line, or if you are waiting in the pediatrician’s office or riding in the car (if you aren’t the one driving) and other opportunities.

Older Babies Start to Enjoy the Reading Time More

As the baby gets closer to a year old, they are likely to really be watching and paying attention, and that’s when you can start letting them turn pages, or they may even recognize familiar things in the pictures like a bottle, pet, or favorite toy. They usually like you to read the books over and over and learn to anticipate the parts they like best.

You can start to ask him things about the book, like, “Show mommy the doggie, where’s the doggie?” Or teach him things like shapes or colors by pointing to them and saying things like, “Here is a blue circle. Isn’t that a nice blue circle?”

As the child gets older, you can do things like take them to the library to pick out the books they like the most. This also encourages a child to learn to use faculties like the library and opens up the world of reading to them even more.

All in all, reading to a baby is a vital thing that parents can do for their child in order to teach them everything from language skills to emotional skills. Reading is a beautiful thing and opens up a whole new world for you and your child to explore together.

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First Foods for Infants

Breast milk or formula supplies all the nutrients and vitamins that babies need until they are about six months old. These days the infant formulas you can feed your baby have come a long way and are much better than they have been in the past and are much closer to breast milk.

However, breast milk is still best if you are able or desire to breastfeed your baby. If you are unsure about it, you can get information from your local La Leche Breastfeeding Mothers League.

But once your child needs to start something more substantial, how do you go about introducing first foods for infants and what kinds of food should it be?

Introducing Solid Foods to Babies

It’s not encouraged to give infants any solid foods until they are around six months old due to the fact that their swallowing muscles are not fully formed,  plus they could get a food allergy if a food is introduced too soon, and until that timeframe the milk provides more of the nutrients babies need.

Be sure also to keep giving breast or formula and not cow’s milk until after a baby is a year old. The first solid foods given to infants should be an iron enriched single grain baby cereal like rice since it is easily digestible. \

You can add either breast milk or formula to the cereal and make it somewhat runny at first, and gradually make it thicker as baby gets more used to eating it.

Then, you can slowly start to introduce things like pureed fruits or vegetables one at a time so they don’t produce allergies. You can try one new food about once a week for best results and it can be foods you have pureed yourself or commercial baby food products. Good choices can include foods like pureed sweet potatoes, squash, applesauce, bananas, peaches, and pears.

Signs Your Baby is Ready for Solid Foods

Some of the ways to tell if your baby is old enough or ready for solid foods is if he is able to:

  • Hold his head up
  • Turn his head away if he isn’t hungry
  • Sit up with support
  • Open mouth in anticipation of the food
  • Keep the food in his mouth and swallow it, not spit it all out
    • Has a bigger appetite and may be hungry even if he eats 8-10 feedings of breast milk or formula


Once you decide to start feeding your baby solid foods, you should do it when you expect him to be the most hungry, not when he is grouchy or sleepy. You should expect a mess, especially the first few times since he isn’t used to anything except liquids and it is a very new experience.

Once your baby gets a little older, you can feed him mashed up foods with more texture, but be careful and only do this slowly and once your child has a few teeth.

Soft foods like bits of bananas, mashed potatoes, and similar foods are good to start with. You can start feeding your baby once a day at first, then gradually go to two feedings a day.

Expect Some Bodily Changes

Once your baby starts to eat foods, his bowel movements are going to change. They may be a different color, smell differently and change in frequency. Watch for either constipation or loose stools.

You can also start giving your baby some water, which can help constipation if that is a problem. Give no more than two to four ounces so it won’t substitute for more nutritious foods.


Foods Young Babies Shouldn’t Eat

One thing to remember that is vital is to never feed foods such as honey or corn syrup to a baby under a year old. This is due to the fact that they could have spores in them and cause botulism.

Be sure also to never give a baby hard foods like nuts, popcorn, hard candy, hot dogs cut into rounds, or grapes. These foods can get stuck in the throat and cause choking.  They should never be given until the child as several teeth and is capable of chewing them, most likely it’s safer to wait until over the age of two years old.

If allergies run in the family, then be cautious with any of these foods, as your child may also be allergic.

The bottom line is that transitioning to solid foods is a big step in an infant’s development and it shouldn’t be rushed. If your child doesn’t seem ready, you can always delay it for a couple of weeks, but starting at around six months is a good timeframe. Until then, breast milk or formula is best and will meet all of their nutritional needs.

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Choosing a Child Care Provider

Choosing a child care provider may be a difficult thing to do if you do not know where to begin.  These days we can now search the internet to find better option.  We can now look up individuals that are experiences.  There are several websites out there that have different ways to help make the best decisions on whom to choose to take care of our children or other loved ones.  These sites sometimes ask to sign up before you enter the sites however once signed up an individual can look through many testimonies and experienced individuals till they find someone they feel comfortable with. There are a number of websites to look at when someone is starting to search, they offer a variety of information such as locations, nutrition, environments and learning atmospheres, safety, and costs, plus much more.

For the sake of this article we are going to focus on www.care.com we found it to be one site that has so much information that an individual and just go through the site and see what would be the best choice for them and it gives an individual an idea of where to begin and what they should be looking for when they look for a child care provider or any care provider.

When looking for a child care provider an individual must make sure that they are prepared and are not forced into going with a provide just because they need an individual to watch their children.  An individual must first be able to trust in the individual, which is going to be taking care of their children.   When evaluating the choice ask questions like, “What type of care would best suit your child? Would your child be more comfortable in a structured program? What are your needs in terms of location, hours of operation, and cost? The right choice may vary widely from family to family, depending on what each household considers important for them.”

When interviewing a candidate, be sure to look at the body language of the individual, do they like children, are they genuine?  These are all good questions and observations that need to be addressed, so an individual may assure that the child is getting the best care they need while they are in the custody of the child care providers.

Other things to look at are, “Observing the atmosphere of the facility. Are the children there happy and relaxed? How are they interacting with the caregivers? Also, take a good survey of the physical surroundings. Are the toys clean, safe and age appropriate? Is the outside area large enough with sturdy playground equipment? Are the children protected from strangers?”   Also look into how the caregiver disciplines the children.  Give them situations such as, if the child was in a store and had a tantrum what would the caregiver do?  Each caregiver disciplines the children differently, make sure that the caregiver gives a professional answer and make sure it’s not just in hast make sure it is truthful look for body language signs and maybe even get opinions from others who go to this caregiver with their children to see how they like or don’t like the caregiver.  This will help weed out people that are not experiences are genuine.

When looking for a provider an individual must make sure that they have experience be it working or educational, how many children are they used to having at one time?  Do they have room for taking a new child?  Then an individual must find out what is included in the services.  What do the parents have to provide to the child provider, such as, wipes, diapers, baby powder, and diaper cream?  When and what types of meals are given?  How many meals and snacks are included?  Do they have extras like activity fees or field trip fees?  And of course how much is it all?

These are just some websites to look into and some good questions to ask.  Major thing is to go with whom the parents can trust.  Just make sure as a parent you thing of all the options, look at everything that is important to you and what you believe that your child needs in care.  Then see if there is someone out there or some provider out there for you.

Posted in Day Care Alternatives, Day Care Centers, Day Care Programs, Day Care Requirements, Finding a Day Care Center, Reviews | Comments Off